Recently the much awaited Zee Cine Awards 2019 was held at a lavish ceremony in Mumbai. Many Bollywood celebs like Kiara Advani, Alia Bhatt, Katrina Kaif, Deepika Padukone, Kriti Sanon, Ankita Lokhande etc graced the red carpet of the awards in various stylish outfits. Zee cine awards are one of the the bigggest awards for bollywood movies and stars which are usually held during March- April month every year.
View Zee Cine Awards 2019 Red Carpet pics:
Kriti Sanon
Ankita Lokhande
Radhika Madan
Chitrangada Singh
Malaika Arora
Katrina Kaif
Kiara Advani
Alia Bhatt
Deepika Padukone
Pooja Hegde
Dia Mirza
Ridhi Dogra
Malavika Mohanan
Janhvi Kapoor
Madhuri Dixit
Sonam Kapoor
Nora Fatehi
Mrunal Thakur
Giorgia Andriani with Arbaaz Khan
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