Many glamorous celebs attended the Mitron Movie Screening at Sunny Deol’s sunny super sound dubbing studio. Celebs like Kritika Kamra, Daisy Shah, Pooja Gor, Nushrat Bharucha spotted at the special screening of the movie. Mitron is an upcoming film produced by Vikram Malhotra, presented by Abundantia Entertainment and directed by Nitin Kakkar of Filmistaan fame. […]
Tag: Mitron Movie
Mitron Movie Promotion Kritika Kamra : View Her Pics
Attending her upcoming Mitron Movie Promotion Kritika Kamra look gorgeous in a crop lehenga. She along with her costar Jacky Bhagnani spotted promoting their upcoming movie at a musical event. Mitron is an upcoming film produced by Vikram Malhotra, presented by Abundantia Entertainment and directed by Nitin Kakkar of Filmistaan fame. Set in the backdrop […]