Bollywood celebs like Deepika Padukone, Yami Gautam, Taapsee Pannu, Kriti Sanon, Nushrat Bharucha and many more attended the Lokmat most stylish awards 2019 recently held in Leela hotel, Mumbai. Check out their pics from the red carpet below: Taapsee Pannu Yami Gautam Nushrat Bharucha Manushi Chhillar Kriti Sanon Amyra Dastur
Amyra Dastur in Transparent Saree Lokmat Most Stylish Awards 2019
Amyra Dastur look stunning in a transparent saree at the Lokmat most stylish awards 2019. She along with many other celebs graced the red carpet of the Lokmat awards recently held at the Leela hotel in Mumbai. View Amyra Dastur Lokmat Most Stylish Awards 2019 pics:
Manushi Chhillar in Revealing Dress Lokmat Most Stylish Awards 2019
Manushi Chhillar look stunning in a revealing dress at the Lokmat most stylish awards 2019. She along with many other celebs graced the red carpet of the Lokmat awards recently held at the Leela hotel in Mumbai. View Manushi Chhillar Lokmat Most Stylish Awards 2019 pics:
Nushrat Bharucha in Backless Saree Lokmat Most Stylish Awards 2019
Nushrat Bharucha look stunning in a backless saree at the Lokmat most stylish awards 2019. She along with many other celebs graced the red carpet of the Lokmat awards recently held at the Leela hotel in Mumbai. View Nushrat Bharucha Lokmat Most Stylish Awards 2019 pics:
Taapsee Pannu in Low Neck Dress Radio Mirchi Neon Run
Taapsee Pannu look gorgeous in a low neck dress at the press event of Mirchi Neon Run 2019. Mirchi Neon Run is an annual event organised by Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM all over India. It includes a Zumba warm-up session, a post-run BDM party and loads of exciting neon glow-in-the-dark merchandise & accessories for a fun and […]
Famous Bollywood movies that have Gambling in them
It is often seen that Bollywood takes risk in order to make unique and extraordinary movies, no matter how much risk is involved in them. So, the theme of gambling is not an unknown subject for this industry. It has released so many films that have showcased gambling in the lead role. Indian gambling movies […]
Shweta Mira Anushka Kriti Vogue X Nykaa Power List Awards 2019
Bollywood celebs like Shweta Bachchan, Mira Rajput, Anushka Sharma, Katrina Kaif, Yami Gautam, Kriti Kharbanda, Surveen Chawla, Mrunal Thakur and many more attended the Vogue X presents Nykaa fashion power list awards 2019. Organised by Vogue India in partnership with Nykaa Fashion the first edition of Vogue X Nykaa Fashion awards honored the best in […]